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Hunting for and Providing Locations

From sun kissed beaches of Goa to serene Ladakh, from snow clad mountains to charm of Bollywood, from Palaces and sand dunes of Rajasthan to dense forests, from mysticism to modernity-India is a land of everything, for every film. We are precise and quick when it comes to sending location pictures and videos as per demands of the script, thanks to our seasoned location partners spread across length and breadth of India.

Information about India and other countries for shoot

Depending on which season you are planning to shoot in India, we provide extensive information on weather conditions, geography, accessibility, hotels/stay, currency rate and guide you at every step forward.

Crew (English Speaking) -Talent

Our extensive Industry network and exhaustive database ensures that we provide you the best at competitive rates.

Camera and Equipment

We make it a point to provide efficient crew which is mostly English speaking for better communication and source equipment only from reliable and professional vendors.

Shoot Permits and Visa Assistance

We provide efficient, timely assistance for all types of permits and visas for your cast and crew.

Complete Post Production

We provide you assistance with financial planning and legal requirements through our team of Chartered Accountant and Law firms working with us.

We can't wait to see you

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